Walking the Sacred Path
By Dan Schutte

Spiritual Exercises for Today
Spiritual Exercises for Today
Spiritual Exercises for Today
Spiritual Exercises for Today
Composed by Dan himself, each song is specifically paired with one of the 30 spiritual exercises found in his book, Walking the Sacred Path: Spiritual Exercises for Today.
Dan's music has helped enhance the prayer experience for people around the world. He carefully handpicked these songs from his extensive collection to be used as a way to calm the soul, to focus the heart and mind or as a prayerful reminder throughout the day. Whichever the listener chooses, the goal remains the same: to slowly incorporate prayer into the rest of our everyday lives.
When using the exercises in the book and music of the CDs together, as Dan explains, the listener is able to use "the power of imagination to enter into the story of Jesus as presented in the Scripture. We allow ourselves to become one of the people in the Bible story, to see, hear, smell, taste and respond to what is going on."